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Alternative New Year’s resolutions

Lose weight. Go to church. Save money. These are all admirable but standard New Year’s resolutions. This year, why not try something new? Why not really challenge yourself? Here are some not-so-everyday resolutions to pledge:

1. Stop being an asshole. There, I said it. We all have that inner meanie, and for some it pops out more than others. Many resolutions are made to address small issues of character growth, but maybe we should focus on the big picture. To say, “I resolve to be nice” seems like such a tiny, generic, simple thing, but is it? Don’t just contain your road rage—be cordial behind the wheel. Don’t just toss your spare change at a homeless person—volunteer at the shelter. When you feel a nasty comment or thought about another person creeping up, immediately counter it with something positive. Be a champion of kindness! Do it all! To quote Gandhi, “Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.”

Drink less booze. Quit drugs. Quit picking your nose …

2. Let it all hang out.
We make all these resolutions about not eating carbs or dropping pants sizes or getting makeovers … but the truth is that it is rarely for personal or health reasons, and more a response to concerns about what other people think. I’m all for being health conscious, but how about enjoying your life along the way? Have a cookie after dinner! Don’t be the person that says, “Oh I can’t, I’m watching my weight.” Let me assure you that a treat now and then will not make you balloon to oversized proportions or make you drop dead from a clogged artery.

And start being yourself! Listening to obscure music just because it is obscure to impress other people with your ability to scour music sites for indie bands? Not so much. Remember when you were 6 and your parents let you pick out your own clothes? You might have not matched or looked terribly trendy, but dammit you felt fantastic! Instead of resolving to buy a fashionable wardrobe, wear what comes natural to you. Reclaim that sense of freedom regarding who you are and what makes you comfortable, not on what is pleasing to someone else.

Stop borrowing roommates’ underwear. Publicly humiliate yourself. Adopt a pet …

3. Create something. My father once told me that he built a car from scratch. The sense of pride and accomplishment he felt was overpowering–and infectious. My mother is also incredibly creative and is always involved in an artistic endeavor. These things have always spawned in me a desire to create. I might not be so great at painting, but yes, I have painted canvasses. I can’t read sheet music, but I play piano whenever I can. I can’t operate a sewing machine to save my life, but I do know how to sew, and recently learned to knit. My point is that producing something that is fueled from within is amazing, no matter how large or small the project. You might just uncover a hidden talent, or you might not. At least it’s getting you away from the TV or the computer.

Shower daily. Encourage others to shower daily. Learn how to make soap …

4. Don’t make a resolution. After years of making resolutions, not living up to them and then feeling guilty about it, I’ve learned one thing: Resolutions are made to be broken. Just live, and see what happens!

Have a simply radtastic 2009!

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