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Anime draws students together

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Students looking to expand their understanding of anime (Japanese movie and television animation) while being part of a welcoming community, need look no further.

The Portland State Anime Club prides itself on the wide range of anime shown each week, exposing students to all different genres and forming community among its members.

“We watch anime with the goal of getting as many people as possible to watch things that they might not have ever considered watching, or even heard of,” club president Colin Storzbach said.

Storzbach explained that they try to avoid anime that people already know about and instead try to support anime that isn’t necessarily being promoted.

“Basically, we go for things that might not have been heard of before…might not be popular enough, or maybe just [seem] interesting and unique in some way,” Storzbach said.

Some of the titles from this month’s meetings include Zetsuen no Tempest, Maoyuu Maou Yuusha, Tamako Market, Inferno Cop and Chihayafuru.

Those in the club appreciate the careful selection of anime, which introduces them to things that stray from the mainstream.

Additionally, it’s a great way to learn all about the vast genres enjoyed in the anime community.

“Rather than watching the same thing all the time, it’s a bunch of different little things—different series of different genres,” Japanese major Joshua Ruch said.

Members say the extensive variety of anime leaves them feeling engaged—there’s something for everyone.

In terms of sexual content, the officers try to make members feel comfortable without over-censoring what’s shown each week.

“I try to avoid things that are way too over the top and sexual, but sometimes it’s hard because the kind of stuff that has sexual content, despite or maybe because of [it], is sometimes really artistically done, but that’s relatively rare,” Storzbach said. “We try to avoid it to make it comfortable for everyone.”

Second officer Jesse Ballard added that he and Storzbach try to be sensible about it.

“As for violent content, no rules,” Storzbach said.

Along with weekly meetings, the club occasionally has events, like the recent Party Near the Park and movie screenings at local theaters.

“We look out for when the smaller theaters have things [like] special movie releases that are only around for a couple of days,” Ruch said.

Members agreed that one of the aspects most enjoyed by the club is the social environment and connections its members have formed.

“It’s a really great environment,” said Nathan Matsumiya, a freshman criminology major. “I enjoy
being around people who have similar interests. We have a good time laughing and making jokes.”

Ballard said he loves the social dynamic of the group and the people he’s gotten to know.

“There’s always something interesting to talk about in the community, and to learn,” Ballard said.

The club meets every Friday from 2:15 to 5:30 p.m. and is open to everyone. PSU students and nonstudents are both welcome.

The viewing room changes from week to week, but Storzbach sends out weekly emails with the list of upcoming locations and anime selection. To subscribe to the mailing list, visit You can look forward to some witty weekly emails from Storzbach.

Additionally, the club posts updates on their official PSU Anime Club Facebook page.

Ballard encourages those who are interested in attending a meeting to see what it’s all about.

“Show up—introduce yourself,” Ballard said.

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