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ASPSU provides students a voting voice

Hannah Fisher, president of the Associated Students of Portland State University, engages with students in a last-minute class-wrap designed to get unregistered students to vote in the upcoming state and national elections.

“We’re trying to get everyone on campus to register that isn’t already registered,” Fisher said. “We registered 400 people alone today-people that probably would not have been registered otherwise.”

ASPSU registered about 3,500 students since New Student Move-In on Sept. 20, Fisher said, or around 1,000 students a week.

Fisher also said that ASPSU staff and volunteers have gone door-to-door to every dorm room on campus, aside from clipboard canvassing across campus.

However, Fisher stressed the importance of students voting after they register.

“Registration is only half the battle,” Fisher said. “Students don’t vote at a high enough rate.”

Today is the last day to register to vote, which Fisher said is extremely important because of state ballot measures that will affect education in Oregon such as Measure 58, which would eliminate English as a Second Language programs.

Last-minute registrants can drop off their voter registration cards today at the ASPSU office, located in room 117 of the Smith Memorial Student Union.

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