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Senior shortstop Arielle Wiser hit her first home run of the season against Stanford during the opening weekend of the women’s softball season. Wiser said that the offense performance over the weekend is one of the best she has seen in her three past seasons with the Vikings.

The Viks went 3-3 over the weekend, including a win over No. 16 Brigham Young University. The senior was recently accepted into the Graduate Education Program, with her future career being in physical education and high school coaching.

Wiser, who prides herself on her strong work ethic but still hopes to never forget the fun that a good softball game brings, took some time this week to speak with us.


Vanguard: Why did you come to Portland State?

Arielle Wiser: It was close to home, and I knew I would get the playing time I wanted here and the scholarship I needed. ? 

V: What has been your best moment on the field?

AW: It was probably when we beat the University of Washington my sophomore year. It was a huge win for us. ? 

V: If you could change one of your sport’s rules, what would it be?

AW: Making foul balls fair. I hit a lot of them! ? 

V: What is your greatest strength?

AW:I’d say it’s my work ethic. I work really hard to get the results that I want.  ? 

V: Which is your favorite place to eat around campus?

AW: Locos Locos; I try not to eat there too much, but my favorite thing there would be the breakfast burrito. ? 

V: What is your favorite thing to do around Portland?

AW:I like to run around the waterfront—not on the rainy days like this, though. Maybe in the fall I’ll go again.

V: What is the first item that you would buy if you won the lottery?

AW:Probably a bunch of new clothes, maybe from Forever 21. I’d still go for what’s cheap, that way I can get a whole new wardrobe. ? 

V: What is your most embarrassing moment on the field?

AW: When I’m trying to field a ball and I collide with people like runners on the base paths. ? 

V: Do you have any nicknames? Why?

AW: I have a lot; ‘Relle is what my teammates call me and that started it all. But now they’ve been calling me all kinds of names: Rellese, Missy Relliote, Releezy, like Lil’Wayne. I don’t know why, but I always get a bunch of nicknames. ? 

V: What is the last thing you cooked?

AW: Fish! I cook a lot, but I think my favorite thing to make is omelets and that type of breakfast stuff. ? 

V: If you could attend one concert or sporting event anywhere what would it be?

AW: I think it would be cool to go to the

Super Bowl, but I don’t have a favorite team, so just to see anyone and to be there. 

V: What has been your favorite class at Portland State?

AW: I liked nutrition because I’m interested in health and those kinds of science studies.

V: What’s on your iPod right now?

AW: I have everything; I have the band Perry, Tyrone Wells, Pink, old school N’Sync—but mainly I like country music. 

V: If you could have dinner with three people from history—alive, dead or fictional—who would they be?

AW:Beyonce, because I love her music; Natasha Watley, the Olympic shortstop that has been a huge inspiration to me; and my grandpa that I never met.   

V: What song would you sing karaoke?

AW: Once I sang Warrant’s “Cherry Pie” [laughing], it was not so good, to say the least. 

V: What is the last thing you read?

AW: I read quite a bit. I just read “Remember Me” by Sophie Consuela. It was really good; it’s by the same author as “Confessions of a Shopaholic.” 

V: What is your main focus on the softball field this season?

AW: Having fun, and not sweating the little things or even the errors; and always moving forward. 

V: Do you have a favorite superhero?

AW:He’s not really a superhero, but I like Mighty Mouse. I don’t know if that counts, though. 

This interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.

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