The second annual forum for Portland State’s Student Veterans Association closed with a slideshow showing soldiers on active duty overseas riding in tanks, patrolling territory and walking through dusty, war-torn streets. But while these pictures give a glimpse into the day-to-day life of a soldier, they also express a message that spans far beyond a military career–one of camaraderie and community. This is the message Jake Meeks, the president of the Student Veterans Association, wants to convey.
Strengthening Camaraderie
Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium
If you’ve ever watched old kids movies from the ’70s, such as Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or The Shaggy Dog, you’ll remember real-life actors and effects that served the story instead of CG characters and scenes. Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium is one of those movies, and, contrary to initial impressions, it is no Charlie and the Chocolate Factory clone.
Nothing is true, everything is permitted
Listening to Isis’ music makes it hard to believe that heavy metal was once thought of as the musical genre of choice for meatheads. From their first recordings to their most recent album, In The Absence of Truth, the band has had every hallmark of intelligent music. They were also truly, destructively heavy.
Soto relieves tension at Chavez debate, momentarily
In the middle of an intense debate at City Hall on Thursday over whether to rename Interstate Avenue after the Latino activist Cesar E. Chavez, it was Rudy Soto, PSU student body president, who eased the tension.
News briefs
The Queer Resource Center is holding a question and answer panel Friday, Nov. 16, as a part of Trans Awareness month at Portland State.
Blake turns down vice-provost job
Peg L. Blake, the candidate a Portland State search committee chose to fill the vacant vice provost of Student Affairs position, declined the university’s offer for the position because she does not want to uproot her family from their home in Southern Oregon.
Love’s back in the Rose City
In front of a sold-out crowd that had the Rose Garden’s very foundation quaking Tuesday night, the Trail Blazers celebrated their storied past, and caught a glimpse of a future that could be just as bright, with a cathartic 102-94 win over the Detroit Pistons and former Blazers star Rasheed Wallace.
Thank you for covering our most recent campus-wide campaign concerning textbook affordability. I want to address some concerns that have been expressed about the full implications of the campaign
Editorial: With textbooks, nothing changes
Candidates damn corporations that gouge students with pricey textbooks, during elections in the spring. The candidates sometimes present noble ideas, such as starting a textbook exchange program. Other times, they just make empty claims: We will make textbooks affordable.
Friends and videogames
It was neck and neck–one knockout to one knockout. I was about to beat a videogame fanatic at his own game, but then, in an instant, a frightening metal-faced monster man destroyed my tiny girl-fighter with the short skirt and ubiquitous white panties. In a flurry of kicks and button tapping, I was dead.
Geeky places
A very independent theater that focuses on showing art-house films, Cinema 21 shows anything from historically renowned films (currently Blade Runner) to the newest and most popular independent hits (such as Science of Sleep). It also hosts the annual Portland Gay and Lesbian Film Festival each fall.