SANS THE SALTBy Alyck Horton PSU needs to implement a ban on bottled water Paying outrageous markups for the sake of “convenience” is common practice in the U.S., but we…
What’s in our food?
On Election Day, while the rest of the country was watching to see who was going to be the next president, I was watching for the results of a different campaign, one that could’ve potentially changed how the food business does things and forced a conversation about our food into the national eye.
A man’s manly diet soda
If you’ve watched football at all this season, no doubt you’ve seen the Dr. Pepper 10 commercial. I’m used to Monday Night Football, with its big truck and beer commercials complete with growling voice-overs and token hair-flipping girls.
Unapologetic ignorance
“With great power comes great responsibility.”
Whether you’re a Spider-Man fan or not, that ubiquitous phrase pretty much applies to nearly everything in our lives.
Upcoming Games
Thursday, Nov. 15 Volleyball Vikings vs. Weber State University Peter Stott Center 7 p.m. Women’s Basketball Vikings @ University of Oregon Matthew Knight Arena 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 16 NBA…
Oregon student numbers hit record high
The Oregon University System announced that a record-high enrollment of 101,393 students was reached in fall 2012.
Pruning the ‘Silicon Forest’
There’s a behemoth coming to Oregon. In October, Apple broke ground on its biggest data center yet on 160 acres of land in Prineville. The data center will be home to two 338,000-square-foot buildings and will host the lion’s share of iCloud. Are new data centers what we need, though?
Homeless in Portland
The problem of homelessness has been nagging at my mind for the past few weeks. During election cycles we often hear how great our country is, that it’s the “shining city upon a hill.”
Was Sandy handy?
The dollar amount of the economic impact of Hurricane Sandy is increasing daily, as some areas are still without power and people are picking up the pieces of their demolished homes.
Why protest?
On Feb. 15, 2003, millions of people around the world came out to demonstrate against the United States’ imminent invasion of Iraq.
Treat or trick?
Halloween might be old news by now, but it’s just far enough away that as you browse through the night’s photos taking stock of who partied most, whose costume didn’t make it through the night and who got the most “candy,” one detail’s bound to pop up: Who had the sexiest costume?