PSU plugs in

It was announced last week that Portland State is one of six national sites selected by Toyota to demonstrate and evaluate the next generation of Prius plug-in hybrid vehicles.

Governor’s race green debate

Tuesday night’s debate, held in the Smith Memorial Student Union Ballroom, drew over 1,000 registered attendees, while adjacent rooms with live screenings of the debate accommodated the overflow.

Federal credit law affects students

The Federal Credit CARD Act, or Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act, took effect Monday after being signed into law by President Barack Obama last Friday. Among other things, this act changes the way that companies can market credit cards on college campuses.

Be an ambassador

Wrapped in green neckties and blue blazers, student ambassadors represent the student body in the presence of visiting speakers, educators and prospective students. These PSU representatives are planning to expand their ranks.

Pest Plaza

Student residents of the Park Plaza are dealing with a rampant bedbug infestation and have contacted Student Legal and Mediation Services for help.


Sometimes the best things in life can get even better. Take Indian food for example—an exotic mélange of spices, herbs, vegetables, sauces and rice intended to excite the palate while consoling the body.

A new ‘do for

The departments at Portland State will be updating their Web sites in an effort to create a unified layout. The Dean of Students’ site, the commencement site and the Student Affairs’ site are all examples of the new stylistic direction.