Facebook and privacy

How that Facebook post might cost you

Ah, what a wonderful world we live in. With just the click of a button you can view the latest drop (or rise!) in the stock market, order clothing, download a textbook or stalk that professor you’re crushing on.

Beating a dead horse

Once again, opponents of gay marriage go too far

The battle over the legalization of gay marriage has been analyzed time and time again. Conservatives do not generally support it, and the left-leaning liberals generally do. These are all things we’ve been made aware of many times over.

Healthcare is finally here

New health care bill hasthings looking up

Governor Kitzhaber recently signed a bill into law that should improve state-wide healthcare and make it more affordable for everyone.

Got the skinny?

Raising awareness on eating disorders is kind of important

The final days of February and the beginning of March were devoted to one thing that went relatively unnoticed around the Portland State campus: eating disorders.

Autism speaks—and so should you

City employees push for autism coverage in their healthcare

Employees of the city of Portland are pushing for more healthcare benefits, specifically benefits to cover family members with autism. And with so much funding needed, they’re not the only ones who should. Autism-related costs are a major concern for many people, and support for families and individuals dealing with autism should be a no-brainer.

Autism speaks—and so should you

City employees push for autism coverage in their healthcare

Employees of the city of Portland are pushing for more healthcare benefits, specifically benefits to cover family members with autism. And with so much funding needed, they’re not the only ones who should. Autism-related costs are a major concern for many people, and support for families and individuals dealing with autism should be a no-brainer.

Battered Barbie

A PCC student uses Barbies to raise awareness of domestic violence

Lately, the buzz at Portland Community College’s Rock Creek campus has been all about Barbies. But not in the way one would usually expect.

Progressive reform

End of No Child Left Behind may be in sight

Last week, President Barack Obama gave 10 states the OK to scrap No Child Left Behind, one of the most unsuccessful and unpopular educational mandates in U.S. history.

NCLB was one of the first proposals George W. Bush put through Congress during his first term as president. The bill received overwhelming bipartisan support and was passed without many problems.

Get loud, get gay, get active

Washington passes same-sex legislature and Prop 8 is overruled—but what about Oregon?

The past week has been a tumultuous one for gay rights. That’s right, folks; a bill allowing gay marriage was passed in Washington State and a federal appeals court ruled California’s much hated and heavily protested Proposition 8 to be unconstitutional.