Up in arms

Students worry about guns on campus

As of Sept. 28, concealed firearms are permitted on any of the seven public university campuses in Oregon. A three-judge panel in the Oregon Court of Appeals ruled that a ban on guns throughout the Oregon University System is unlawful and against citizens’ second amendment rights—the right to bear arms. This ruling gives any permit-carrying gun owner the legal right to bring his or her weapon onto PSU and other Oregon campuses as long as it remains concealed. As expected, this alteration has been met with much controversy and concern statewide.

Balsamic wheat pasta

A tasty twist on Italian cuisine

Pasta is always a quick-fix dinner for busy students. It hardly takes any time to make, uses only a few cheap ingredients and requires little preparation. But sometimes the same old spaghetti in red sauce gets old. If your taste buds are craving something new, this balsamic wheat pasta and asparagus is an awesome low-cal alternative to your regular Italian flavors.

Kids in the hall

Are mandatory study halls worth the time?

As the Oregon educational system battles against a harsh economic decline, the high schools of Portland are utilizing various money-saving methods to stay afloat. With staff cutbacks and increasingly overcrowded classrooms, some schools have chosen to implement study halls as a way to ease financial pressures. Are the students in Portland high schools benefiting from, or struggling under, these curriculum changes?

Bye bye boring breakfast!

Presenting the Morning Monkey Smoothie Sometimes the best way to get ready for your day is by giving yourself a treat. Unfortunately, many tempting options that are full of the…

Oregon Sustainability Center: the Good, the Bad and the Controversial

The proposed OSC affects Portland State University, like it or not

Plans are moving forward for the Oregon Sustainability Center, though not without major controversy over the building’s funding. While Mayor Sam Adams is highly in favor of the structure, much of the public is concerned about how the construction of the building will prove to be financially sustainable for Portland. The OSC would be a revolutionary step for green thinking, but every good idea comes with necessary drawbacks.

“Strawfu” smoothie

A fantastically fresh back-to-school breakfast

As school starts up again, many Portland State-ers find themselves too busy to eat breakfast. Running to classes with no way of precariously balancing a bowl of milk and cereal leaves many of us without the morning calories we need.

But never fear nutrition-seekers: On-the-go eating is possible, and all you need is a blender.

EuroTrash is where it’s at

…and trash never tasted so good

Portland is a town that’s known for putting a twist on things. We like our art funky, we like our people weird and we like our food a little more on the interesting side. So when it comes to Portland food carts, we can all rest assured that some places will be just out of the box enough to spark our interest and thrill our taste buds.

EuroTrash is where it’s at

Portland is a town that’s known for putting a twist on things. We like our art funky, we like our people weird and we like our food a little more on the interesting side.

Unicorns and dumplings

Dumps dishes up great taste on Belmont

Among the stretch of bars on Southeast Belmont stands a majestic white unicorn snarling with fervor and hunger as his magical horn pierces a brilliant golden dumpling.

Unicorns and dumplings

Among the stretch of bars on Southeast Belmont stands a majestic white unicorn snarling with fervor and hunger as his magical horn pierces a brilliant golden dumpling.

It’s peanut butter and jelly time

Tasty digs for feeling like a kid again

Summer brings about a kind of childhood nostalgia for freedom like no other season can. Let’s kick off our shoes, dawn some abnormally high SPF sunscreen to protect our pasty Northwest skin and act like kids again!