Melody Rose, professor and the founder and director of the Center for Women, Politics and Policy, co-penned the book entitled Hillary Clinton’s Race for the White House: Gender Politics and the Media on the Campaign Trail, published on Oct. 30, 2009.
“Compelling” Clinton commentary
Proudfoot Resigns
Christopher Proudfoot resigned as ASPSU’s legislative affairs director on Nov. 1, 2009, after one-and-a-half years in the position.
Cooking 101
Even bright students with GPS-equipped phones can have problems finding their way around the kitchen. Here are some basic tips for first-time chefs.
Transgender Day of Remembrance Nov.20
Tomorrow, Nov. 20, Portland State’s Queer Resource Center will host a series of events to celebrate the Transgender Day of Remembrance.
Rating Portland State
To rant about a professor who bored you to sleep, compliment a teacher who made University Studies enjoyable or get an insider’s view on the Spanish department teachers, you might find yourself on
Problem solving at Portland State
A majority of Portland State students have no idea what the Ombuds Office is or does.
Transforming Lincoln Hall
After two years of renovation, the Lincoln Hall deferred maintenance project will finish July 30, 2010, and displaced performing arts classes will return to the historic hall that fall term.
Red Cross marketing strategies receive new life
Bret Bernhoft, a chief partner of InsYght Consulting, creates social marketing strategies that enable large organizations to reach out to Generation Y, people between the ages of 18 and 30 years old.
Sustainability in IT could save over $250,000
Big changes are happening in the Office of Information Technologies.
OIT Sustainability Coordinator Anne Gire used her master’s thesis to create a Climate Action Plan (CAP) for OIT that landed her a job in the department less than a month after graduating in June 2009.
Lofty promises, rocky follow-through
Having already doled out over $50 million to eligible student-veterans, the new Post-9/11 G.I. bill is the largest investment to help vets since the Montgomery G.I. Bill of 1944.