A rough recollection

Retro gamers, your time has come. At least if Capcom has anything to say about it.

Recently, the company has been catering to its hardcore, older fan base by reviving long-dormant titles such as 1942 and Bionic Commando—giving them a fresh lick of paint and making them available to download on Xbox Live and the Playstation Network.

Lookin’ for a job?

With commencement just over a week away, new PSU grads will soon be looking to take the first step toward gainful employment. That’s right: no more surviving on student loans.

$15 million added to OUS budget

The co-chairs of Oregon Ways and Means announced final state budget recommendations that would increase the entire Oregon University System budget by $15 million and would add $25 million to Oregon universities’ capital construction budget.

Bill proposes to arm campus safety officers

In the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings, there is renewed interest in legislation that has been introduced to the Oregon House of Representatives that would arm public safety officers on Oregon University System campuses statewide.

PSU honors former staff

Faculty, staff and administrators gathered at two university memorials for former PSU President Joseph Blumel and former history Professor Emeritus Caroline Stoel held at Portland State over the weekend.