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Bad Boys

Oregon State Athletics Director Bob De Carolis claims that OSU is serious about cleaning up its football program. But he should have gotten serious before the Oregon legislature had to step in and apply a public slap on the wrist to the embattled program.

While one or two incidents may have been forgiven, OSU has allowed eight players too many to get in trouble with the law in the past year and suffer no serious or permanent consequences. It is clear that De Carolis and Beaver football head coach Mike Riley don’t have a handle on the team, which has been spinning out of control for some time.

Yes, it’s true that there isn’t much to do in Corvallis and the school has a notorious reputation for partying hard. But these problems are not media driven hype meant to destroy Oregon State’s image. They are serious matters that shed light on the inadequate discipline most college athletes currently enjoy.

It is surprising that an outside entity didn’t step in earlier. More importantly, it is sad that one had to. If De Carolis and Riley are serious about their desire to clean up OSU’s football program, all eight players who have been in trouble with the law in the last year should be suspended for at least one season and possibly kicked off the team permanently.

Should they fail to clean up their tarnished program, the Oregon legislature proved in no uncertain terms Wednesday that someone will.

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