Call for submissions

Over the last few months the staff of the Vanguard has been working to create an opinion section that speaks to the issues that are important to the PSU community – students, faculty and administration. We would like to create an opinion section that is a forum for you our readers. To this end we began running a guest opinion column in our Friday edition. In the past few months the space has been home to a diverse array of opinions from voices that hail from many different parts of the PSU community. In the coming weeks the space will be a place for ASPSU candidates to debate issues as we approach student elections. Beyond that, this space is yours.

We are currently accepting opinion articles from PSU students, faculty and administration on any timely issue that is of importance to the university, the citizens of Portland or the people of Oregon.

Submissions should be 850 words in length, single-spaced in Times New Roman font, and accompanied by your name as you wish it to be printed and a short bio detailing your involvement with the PSU community. Submissions should be sent via e-mail to Please note “guest opinion submission” in the subject of the e-mail.

We look forward to hearing your voice.

Patrick A. Coleman
Opinion editor, the Vanguard