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Campus Calendar

Tuesday, Nov. 4

PSU School of Fine and Performing Arts

Noon Concert: Mara Gearman and Friends


Lincoln Recital Hall, Room 75


PSU Catholic Students

Confirmation classes

7:30 p.m.

Campus Ministry

More info: 503-226-7807, Ext. 107

Discussions, song, food and fun

Women’s Resource Center

Returning Women Students Brown Bag Lunches

11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.

Smith, Room 225

For women who are coming back to school after a break in their education to meet other women for support and networking Mondays and Tuesdays


Wednesday, Nov. 5

Women Resource Center

“Vagina Monologues” General Interest Meeting

3-5 p.m.

Smith, Room 338

For those you want to be in the cast or crew of the “Vagina Monologues”!


Stitch and Bitch

Noon-2 p.m.

Smith Basement, Room 26

Learn or share skills of knitting or crochet – all are welcome


Queers and Allies Movie Night

Nov. 5: “Introducing Dorothy Dandridge”

6 p.m.

Smith Union, Room 292


PSU Literacy Art Council

Donna Stonecipher

8 p.m.

Littman Gallery, Smith Union, Room 250

Her book “The Reservoir” won the University of Georgia Press Contemporary Poetry Series competition

$8 general/$5 for members of Mountain Writers

MCC Fun Wednesdays

Noon-2 p.m.

Smith, Room 228

Every Wednesday in the Multicultural Center for tea, coffee and refreshments

For more info: 503-725-5342


Thursday, Nov. 6

It’s First Thursday. Go out there and see some art!

A must: Black clothing, interested expressions and words like “exhilarating!”

PSU School of Fine and Performing Arts

Artist reception for Tranquility: Yi Pyung Kim

5-7 p.m.

Autzen Gallery, Neuberger Hall

Exhibition of digital textile prints lasting till Dec. 16 from the visiting scholar, originally from Ulsan, Korea

Littman Gallery

Opening for Dana Starkey: Cycles

5-7 p.m.

Smith Union, Room 250

Photo transfers, photography, drawings and print all combined to form Middle Eastern and Western styles of art. Showing through Dec. 5.

White Gallery

Opening for Jonathan Brand: Lower East Side 1960

5-7 p.m.

Second floor of Smith Union

Using images shot with a Retina 1b while Mr. Brand worked on the 1960 census.

Showing through Dec. 5.

Women Resource Center

“Vagina Monologues” General Interest Meeting

6-8 p.m.

Smith, Room 236

For those you want to be in the cast or crew of the “Vagina Monologues”!


PSU Friends of History and PSU Bookstore

Prof. David A. Horowitz – Reading and Book Signing

Reception: 6:30 p.m.

Reading and commentary: 7 p.m.

Smith, Room 238

Prof. David A. Horowitz will be reading from his book “America’s Political Class Under Fire: The 20th Century’s Great Culture War.”

Free/book $24.95

College Housing Northwest, PSU, The Meetro

Open Night Mic Night at the Meetro Caf퀌�

7 p.m.

1809 S.W. 11th (Behind Science Building Two)

Students are invited to share their creative talents (i.e. poetry, music, short stories) in a relaxed environment. Espresso drinks are $1!


Friday, Nov. 7

Women Resource Center Feminist Movie Night

“Covered” and

“Hollywood Harems”

Noon-2 p.m.

Multicultural Center, Smith, Room 228


Saturday, Nov. 8

PSU Catholic Students

Are you Catholic?

7:30 p.m.

Campus Ministry

More info: 503-226-7807, Ext 107

Discussions, song, food and fun

PSU Film Committee

5th Avenue Cinema

Julian’s Schnabel’s

“Before Night Falls”


“Soon” (1992)

7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.

S.W. Fifth and Hall

Come and see Julian’s Schnabel’s two films, both shown at the same time in different theaters.


School of Fine and Performing Arts

Jazz Lecture: Intergenerational Influences in Jazz Performance

2 p.m.

Lincoln Recital Hall, Room 75


School of Fine and Performing Arts

Piano Master Class with Robert Roux

10 a.m.

Lincoln Recital Hall, Room 75

$15/students free

School of Fine and Performing Arts

PSU Jazz Ensemble: Smithsonian Magazine CultureFest

Jazz Jam with Chuck Redd

7:30 p.m.

Smith Union Ballroom

$15 through FasTixx

Sunday Nov. 9

School of Fine and Performing Arts

PSU Recital Series: Robert Roux

4 p.m.

Lincoln Recital Hall, Room 75

$16-$18 (possible service charge)

Monday, Nov. 10

School of Fine and Performing Arts

Opera Master Class with Pamela South

7 p.m.

Lincoln Recital Hall, Room 75

$10/students free

The John Reed-Ben Linder Progressive Fall Film Festival

“4 Days In September”

6 p.m.

Smith, Room 225

In this true story, students defy repression and military censorship to kidnap a U.S. ambassador. Starring Alan Arkin


PSU Literacy Art Council

Li-Young Lee

7:30 p.m.

Smith, Room 238

Winner of the Delmore Scwartz Memorial Poetry Award, Lee lives in Chicago. His most recent work is “Book of my Nights” (2001).

$8 general/$5 for members of Mountain Writers

Tuesday, Nov. 11

School of Fine and Performing Arts

Preview: “Marriage of Bette and Boo”

7:30 p.m.

Lincoln Performance Hall

A low-cost preview to the play directed by Michael Griggs and

Christopher Durang.


Recurring Weekly Events


The John Reed-Ben Linder Progressive Fall Film Festival

Nov 10 4 Days In September

Nov 17 Land and Freedom

6 p.m.

Smith 225


Information and Academic Support Center

DARS Training

2-3 p.m.

Smith 425

Want to track your degree progress at any time? Well learn how to use

DARS, you lazy bum!

More info 503-725-4005


Women’s Resource Center

Returning Women Students Brown Bag Lunches

11:45-12:45 p.m.

Smith 225

For women who are coming back to school after a break in their education to meet other women, for support and networking, Mondays and Tuesdays



PSU Catholic Students

Confirmation Classes

7:30 p.m.

Campus Ministry

More info 503-226-7807 ext 107

Discussions, song, food, and fun

Women’s Resource Center

Returning Women Students Brown Bag Lunches

11:45-12:45 p.m.

Smith 225

For women who are coming back to school after a break in their education to meet other women, for support and networking Mondays and Tuesdays



Stitch and Bitch

12-2 p.m.

Smith Basement 26

Learn or share skills of knitting or crocket-all is welcome


Study Abroad Information Sessions

2-3 p.m.

East Hall 109

All the information you want about traveling abroad, all majors

no language required, use financial aid. Through Dec. 10

Queers and Allies Movie Night

Nov 5 Introducing Dorothy Dandridge

Nov 12 Boys Don’t Cry

6 p.m.

292 Smith Union

MCC Fun Wednesdays

12-2 p.m.

Smith 228

Every Wednesday in the Multicultural Center for tea, coffee, and refreshments

For more info 503-725-5342



College Housing Northwest, PSU, The Meetro

Open Night Mic Night at the Meetro Caf퀌�

7 p.m.

1809 S.W. 11th (Behind Science Building Two)

Students are invited to share their creative talents ( i.e. poetry, music, short stories)

in a relaxed environment. Espresso drinks are one dollar!



Women Resource Center Feminist Movie Night

Nov 7 Covered also showing Hollywood Harems

Nov 14 Ventre Livre

12-2 p.m.

Multicultural Center Smith 228


PSU Catholic Students

Are you Catholic?

7:30 p.m.

Campus Ministry

More info 503-226-7807 ext. 107

Discussions, song, food, and fun

PSU Film Committee

5th Ave Cinema

Saturday and Sunday

Nov 14-15 40’s and 50’s Classics

East of Eden (with James Dean)

Lifeboat (Hitchcock’s classic!)

Nov 21-22 Swedish Weekend


June Night (with Ingrid Bergman)

Dec 5-6 Ingrid Bergman Weekend

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Spellbound (both with Ingrid Bergman!!)

7 and 9:30 p.m.

S.W. Fifth and Hall


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