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Campus construction causes obstructions and disruptions

Students that try to make their way from one end of the Park Blocks to the other will undoubtedly notice the numerous construction projects, blocked off by fences draped in green tarps. These blockages, which are often moved around, create travel inconveniences for many students.

Tarp-covered fences recently went up around Science Building 2 on Montgomery Street, where work is being done to revamp and expand the labs and create a new hazardous waste handling facility, according to Mark Fujii, project manager of Facilities and Planning.

Students have had mixed reactions to the noise and inconveniences that come hand-in-hand with remodeling.

Nate Albrecht, 26, post-baccalaureate student, spends quite a bit of time in Science Building 2 for his pre-med degree.

It has not only been hard to get to class because of the outdoor construction, but also a nuisance to get around once inside, according to Albrecht.

“With chemistry lab, it’s a pain. We have to go to the third floor to get ice and there are always people around,” Albrecht said.

He also commented on the noise factor, stating that it has been very hard to concentrate in many of his classes.

“It’s actually super annoying,” Albrecht said.

Other construction projects include the continued work on Lincoln Hall, as well as work on the Millar Library and the work on the water heating and cooling systems extending from the library across the South Park Blocks to Shattuck Hall.

A posting on the library’s blog states that construction noise and vibrations are expected to increase in the library in the coming months.

“Getting into and around the library will also become more challenging with the area between Stott and Millar being inaccessible,” it states.

For junior Jared Jones, 22, having to find new routes to class is not a problem. In fact, he kind of enjoys it.

“Sure, I have to walk a few blocks out of the way, but overall it’s not too bad,” Jones said.  “I can use the exercise. It makes it fun.”

The only real problem Jones has encountered with the construction is the noise during class time.

“It can be really loud during class…but it needs to happen, so I don’t mind,” Jones said.

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