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Candidate for PSU President Wim Wiewel visits PSU

Dr. Wim Wiewel , one of three candidates vying for the PSU presidency, stands on stage to answer questions from students, faculty and administrators on subjects ranging fromdiversity to fundraising. The open campus forum, held in the Smith Memorial Student Union Ballroom yesterday, drew over 250 interested members of the PSU community.

At the beginning of the 3 p.m. forum, in the middle of a packed day of meeting with representatives from aroundcampus, Wiewel delivered close-to a 30 minute speech hitting on his plans for the university and his areas of expertise. Wiewel was jovial at times and serious at others as he spoke on what the university does right and where it could improve. “We need to strive for excellence,” he said.

During his speech. Wiewel, who is currently the provost and senior vice president for Academic Affairs at the University of Baltimore, said he would like to increase fundraising at PSU, create more student housing and look into improving faculty salaries and the student to faculty class ratio, among many other plans if he were hired.

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