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Editorial – A big smoke screen

Making new smoking regulations on campus when the current rules aren’t even enforced is a waste of time and effort.

Portland State’s Smoking/Tobacco Use Sub-Committee has made recommendations that essentially mean nothing. Current policies that state smokers must be 20 feet away from entrances of buildings are usually ignored and rarely enforced. Changing the distance to 25 feet won’t accomplish anything.

Right now, smokers generally obey the laws of common courtesy. They intentionally avoid annoying or harassing nonsmokers and stand a respectful distance from the door. Many use the already designated smoking areas. This is how it should be.

But nonsmokers need to realize that smokers have a place on campus too. Continually pushing and regulating a group of people does nothing but add animosity to an issue already boiling with resentment.

The Sub-Committee’s recommendations don’t resolve any of these issues. The recommendations just aim to extend the current ineffective rules, without adding any real change.

Real change will come about only if rules are consistently enforced. The most productive change will happen if the students of PSU learn to coexist.

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