Last Tuesday approximately 250 people from various Portland universities and community colleges congregated in the South Park Blocks for the “Pep Rally” protest against the annual higher education tuition hikes.
The speakers and crowd agreed that the conflict at hand is the insurmountable debt chaining students through tuition hikes; and the resolution being, call on state legislation to take funding out of state prisons and put it into education.
Adam Rahmlow questions the panel.
Panel members take turns responding to questions
President Wim Wiewel presents a sheet of graphs showing that Oregon ranks 44th nationally in state support of higher education, the average annual incomes for various educational levels and races (1999), and the high school drop out rates in Multnomah County (1997 — 2007).
Harold Williams, Board Member of Portland Community College, talks to the current state budget allocation claiming that, “they want to make you stay stupid so that they can put you in prison”, and that it is everyone’s responsibility to bus to Salem to get legislations’ attention.