Date(s) - 10/19/2014
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
World Forestry Center
4033 SW Canyon Rd. --Portland
Oregon Mycological Society Annual Fall Mushroom Show
Miller Hall
World Forestry Center (across the parking lot from the Oregon Zoo)
4033 SW Canyon Rd.
Portland, Oregon 97221
Sunday, October 19, 2014
12:00 noon to 5:00 pm
Adults $5; Seniors and students $3; Children under 12 free
What is the OMS Fall Mushroom Show?
Beautifully arranged tables display wild, locally foraged mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest, carefully picked, identified and arranged to educate the public about fungi. The number and type of mushrooms vary with fruiting conditions. This colorful event also features special interest tables, including mushroom cookery and preservation, toxic mushroom information, dyeing with mushrooms, a truffle exhibit, mushroom themed art, a “Kids Corner”, mushroom cultivation, as well as books, posters, and “grow-your-own-at-home” kits for sale, and much more!! And there are plenty of knowledgeable OMS members on hand to answer questions, identify mushrooms that you bring in, and chat with about fungi.
To learn more about OMS, visit
My personal contact information is below. Please do not print my personal contact information on your events calendar. Thank you and contact me if you need any additional information.
Melody Spiker
Phone: 503-807-2665