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CHINA Town Hall 2016

CHINA Town Hall 2016

Date(s) - 10/18/2016
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

PSU SMSU 296-298
1825 SW Broadway Ave --Portland

CHINA Town Hall – Local Connections, National Reflections, presented by the National Committee for U.S-China Relations, is a national day of programming on China, hosted by more than 70 cities throughout the United States. The 2-part program features a national live webcast presentation from 4:00 p.m., by Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, followed at 5:15 p.m., by locally invited guest speaker, Anthony Kane, Consulting Director, Chinese Programs, American Councils for International Education who will speak on the “Environment and future for international education exchange in China.”

China’s rapid emergence as a global player and potential partner on many U.S. policy priorities has ensured that the Sino-American relationship will have a direct impact on the lives of nearly everyone in both Countries. To help Americans better understand the complex U.S.-China relationship, the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations is conducting the tenth annual CHINA Town Hall: Local Connections, National Reflections at more than 70 locations nationwide. The program will feature a live webcast discussion with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, moderated by National Committee President Stephen Orlins.

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