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Dr. Carol Gluck: What the World Owes the Comfort Women

Dr. Carol Gluck: What the World Owes the Comfort Women

Date(s) - 03/02/2017
5:30 am - 8:30 pm

PSU Smith Memorial Student Union Ballroom
1825 SW Broadway --Portland

Presented by the PSU Center for Japanese Studies
What the World Owes the Comfort Women

Dr. Carol Gluck, Columbia University
March 2, 2017
5:30pm | SMSU 355
(The Ballroom of Smith Memorial Student Union – 1825 SW Broadway)
FREE and Open to the Public

The practices and norms of public memory have changed in the seventy years since the end of World War II creating what Professor Gluck calls a “global memory culture.” Changes in the law, the role of witnesses, the realm of rights, the politics of apology, and concepts of responsibility have transformed our understanding of doing justice to the past. And in each instance the former comfort women have played a role in that transformation, helping to change attitudes toward sexual violence and women’s rights — helping, in short, to change the world.

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