Date(s) - 06/03/2015
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Lincoln Recital Hall, room 75
1620 SW Park Ave. --Portland
The PSU Center for Japanese Studies, The School of Music & The Department of World Languages and Literature presents the Fourth Annual Drama! Dance! Drums!
A PSU Student Performance led by Professor Laurence Kominz and Professor Wynn Kiyama.
Taiko drumming, Kabuki fight dancing, gorgeous courtesans, and the “Pine Room Confrontation”- a glimpse of next season’s The Revenge of the 47 Loyal Retainers.
Hilarious Heian Period gender transgression in an original student-written play!
Please visit for more information about the event!
For more information, contact:
The PSU Center for Japanese Studies
[email protected]
(Photo courtesy of Mel and Janelle Huffman Photography Inc.)