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Evolution Debate!

Evolution Debate!

Date(s) - 05/30/2013
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

SMSU 296
1825 SW Broadway --Portland

The event is a one hour debate between Bart Rask and Truman Smith. Mr. Rask is an Orthopedic surgeon. He earned a B.S. in microbiology from OSU in 1983 and his M.D. at OHSU in 1989. He is the author of a new book entitled “Evolution By Affirming the Consequent: Scientific Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution”. He will be debating Truman Smith by presenting arguments in refutation of evolution. Truman Ardent Smith is a former evangelical Christian and author of a new booklet called “Modern Science and Philosophy Destroys Christian Theology”. Truman has a BSEET degree from Oregon Institute of Technology in 1984 and a Masters in Ministry degree from Luther Rice Seminary in 2007. He has been working in the computer industry since 1984. He is an atheist and a humanist minister. The moderator is Steven Balogh, officer of the Freethinkers of PSU.

The debate will be followed by an hour of Q&A for the audience.

This event is hosted by the Freethinkers of PSU, is free, and open to the public.

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