Date(s) - 05/21/2015
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Neuberger Park Blocks
Park Blocks outside Neuberger Hal --Portland
LOVE YOUR BODY. SHAC’s Health Promotion department is putting on a LOVE@365 event in May. The event is focused on creating a body positive message that represents all bodies not an “ideal” or single type. Artwork submitted by PSU students (see below for submission details) will be on display showing that the body is not an apology, but rather something to be celebrated. In addition, body positive performances will take place, along with a love letter writing station–for love letters to yourself.
SHAC’s Health Promotion team is now seeking artwork submissions for the LOVE@365. Artwork can include photographs, paintings, sculptures—anything that represents the body in a positive way. The body is not an apology, rather something to celebrate. Please send or drop your artwork off to SHAC’s Health Promotion department, UCB 307 by May 14th. Please know that your submissions are for public display. Email for more information.