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Recent Fieldwork in Ancient Thebes by the University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition: A Lecture by Dr. Pearce Paul Creasman

Recent Fieldwork in Ancient Thebes by the University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition: A Lecture by Dr. Pearce Paul Creasman

Date(s) - 03/29/2016
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Smith Memorial Student Union, Room 294, Portland State University
1825 SW Broadway --Portland

With nearly 30 years of experience in Egyptian archaeology research and excavations, much has been uncovered about ancient Thebes (modern Luxor) and the Valley of the Kings through the work of The University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition (UAEE). Enjoy a lecture tour of UAEE’s active projects, including excavations at the temple site of 19th Dynasty female pharaoh, Tausret, formerly the Great Royal Wife of Seti II; the surprising discovery of a small Ramesside temple; investigations in the tomb of Tutankhamun to learn if there are additional chambers; & construction of a research facility on the West Bank.

Free admission; Open to the public.
Park Free in PSU parking garages after 7:00 pm.

About Dr. Pearce Paul Creasman, University of Arizona
Dr Pearce Paul Creasman has conducted archaeological research in Egypt for over a decade. At the University of Arizona in Tucson since 2009, he is the Director of the UAEE and Associate Professor and Curator. He is also Editor of the academic Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections, board member of the American Research Center in Egypt, and on the editorial board for KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt. He holds a Ph. D. in nautical archaeology from Texas A & M University. He has an avid interest in understanding ancient human & environmental interactions, chronology, ancient maritime life, and Egyptian archaeology.

ARCE is a private, nonprofit organization that supports research on all aspects of Egyptian history and culture, fosters broader knowledge among the general public, and strengthens American- Egyptian cultural ties. ARCE-OR – P.O. Box 15192 – Portland, OR 97214

Lecture sponsored by the Oregon Chapter of the American Research Center in Egypt in cooperation with the Middle East Studies Center of Portland State University.

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