Date(s) - 04/17/2017
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Multnomh County Bld
501 SE Hawthorne Blvd --Portland
Civic Education Program on “Stand for Science” on April 17
The League of Women Voters of Portland and Sigma XI are presenting a free public program, “Stand for Science” on Monday, April 17th at 7 p.m. at the Multnomah County Board Room, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd.
In preparation for Earth Day on April 22, this panel discussion will feature members of the science community discussing the importance of science and its contributions to understanding our environment and include:
• Julie Sifuentes, Oregon Health Authority. ‘The Science of Protecting Community Health.”
• Antonio Baptista, Ph.D., Director, Institute of Environmental Health, OHSU. “Can Science Tell: Tales of a Changing Estuary.”
• Paul Manson, Center for Public Service, Hatfield School of Government, PSU. “A Two-Way Street: Communication Between Scientists and the Public.”
The program will be record by MetroEast Community Media for rebroadcast and online steaming at
Sigma XI, the scientific research honor society engaging Portland area scientists for over 60 years ( is presenting this Civic Education Program with LWV of Portland.