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Flier “sabotage”

Fliers for a film screening and discussion about abortion beforeRoe v. Wade have been consistently torn down around campus duringthe past week, according to event sponsors in the Women’s ResourceCenter and the PSU women’s studies department.

The fliers publicizing the event went up two weeks ago andduring the last week they have been consistently taken down andtorn in half, requiring the event promoters to repost theirmaterials.

“We came in today and they were all gone,” Johanna Brenner,chair of the women’s studies department said Tuesday. “It’s kind ofa form of sabotage.”

The film in question is “Jane: An Abortion Service,” a 1996documentary about a women’s collective founded in Chicago in 1969that connected women seeking abortions with doctors willing toperform them. After a time, the members of the collective begantraining their ranks to perform the then-illegal procedure onwomen.

The film screening, co-sponsored by the women’s studiesdepartment and the Women’s Resource Center, will be held Thursday,May 20, 7 p.m. at the 5th Avenue Cinema. Following will be adiscussion featuring Nell Lundy, director and co-producer of”Jane,” and Judith Arcana, a member of the Jane collective.

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