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Horoscopes for the Week of Jan. 31

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March 21-April 19
Your mother won’t remind you, so I will: to take care of yourself. Don’t skip meals and wear your coat because it’s chilly outside.

April 20-May 20
Everyone’s brain works a little differently to interpret information, so when a miscommunication occurs, the blame should be laid at the feet of science and not yours.

May 21-June 20
That friend of yours who you find a little strange and preoccupied with plants is not having such a hot week. Pick them up a nice Venus fly trap as a gift for their collection.

June 21-July 22
Life this week is sweet like a lollipop. You have your choice of colors and flavors and it seems like nothing will ever go wrong again. Savor this moment.

July 23-August 22
Some days you wish robots would be able to do all the menial jobs you hate. But those jobs that you hate give you a work ethic that makes your resting hours all the more enjoyable.

August 23-September 22
You feel as though you’re drowning in useless facts and figures, but the reality is that these tidbits are useful as a whole and you just can’t see the whole tapestry save for little bits of a corner pattern.

September 23-October 22
Did you know that dolphins can’t actually distinguish humans that well one from each other? What a delightful problem to have, seeing all humans in the same kind of squinty light.

October 23-November 21
Though you didn’t have great role models growing up, you’ve found a few throughout the years. This week, reach out to an old role model and reconnect.

November 22-December 21
Don’t spend all of your time this week with that new video game you bought. You’ll have plenty of time to do that after you are graduated and broke.

December 22-January 19
Reach out this week and do something exciting and new. Portland is full of unique opportunities and ways to experience the thrilling, the macabre and the quirky.

January 20-February 18
Though you’ve spent most of your life being a skeptic, this week has proven to you that somewhere deep inside you do have faith in something quite mystic. Even slightly embracing, this faith will be good for your health.

February 20-March 19
Proving yourself to others is not as important as proving yourself to you. Because nothing another can say bad about you is near enough as bad as your own internal dialogue.

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