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Immunity smoothie

Give your health an Emergen-C boost during winter term

As winter quarter begins, staying healthy is perhaps the biggest obstacle we face as students. Upon returning to campus, we are exposed to cold weather and reacquainted with the germs of our fellow classmates (much of the Vanguard staff, by the way, is currently sniffling and sneezing away the season).

And as we jump back into our school routine, eating nutritious food will play a huge role in our success. Give your immune system the edge in the morning and drink down a tasty smoothie packed with vitamins and an extra kick of Emergen-C.


Karl Kuchs / Vanguard Staff
Blended drink: This smoothie cures what ails ya.

2 bananas
1 cup cold milk
1/2 cup orange juice
3 ice cubes
4 frozen strawberries
1 package orange Emergen-C
1 tsp. honey

Combine ice cubes, strawberries, milk, orange juice and honey in a blender. Blend on high for 30 seconds. Slice bananas into rounds and add to mixture, blending an additional 10 seconds. Finally, add one package Emergen-C and blend for 15 seconds on medium speed. Garnish with banana slices and serve.

Make this smoothie vegan or give it a sweetened boost by substituting milk with vanilla almond milk. Or, for a tart twist on this recipe, replace frozen strawberries with raspberries and use raspberry flavored Emergen-C.

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