Site icon Vanguard


Dear Editor,

They want to make a slave out of me

They gave them dope, to give them hope

They knew I was cool with the Pope

Facebook wants to be called slave masters

They hit Seattle with poison gas blasters

They feel I should not be called Paster

PDX area 56, and 51, they got Mafia Smokin

with computer War games

Gotti, a call to Big Fred

They told me I can’t quit the USA

Cause I plug into the CIA

Philip Moores, What’s the price of Life?

They know I would of gave my all,

to Save Your Son

Vice Lords, Desipells of Gangsters,

Crips, Bood

911 War

Was always about a World

Take over to bring back slavery

by computer

To: Facebook, Google

It’s do, or die

with Ty

– Minister Tyrone C. Williams

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