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KSPU adds new talk show

KPSU, Portland State’s student-run radio station, is planning to add a new radio show geared toward self-empowerment, set to air later this quarter. Host Tom Fuetsch is an experienced business consultant and author of three books that teach the practice of positive thinking.

The air date and time slot for the show are still tentative as Fuetsch determines his schedule for the next few quarters and completes station training requirements, according to Doug Friend, KPSU’s station manager.

“I’ve met him, and he has started his training checklist,” Friend said. “When he is done he will be able to air any radio-approved material.”

All DJs are ensured an hour-long time slot for their shows.

The show, called “Energetics,” will be a caller-based program, whereby listeners can e-mail or call in with personal problems or questions. Through various tools, Fuetsch will teach listeners how to control the energy they possess, receive and transmit to others.

“What I do is give tips to clear out energy and own yourself again,” Fuetsch said.

Fuetsch likens his conceptualization of energy to the Buddhist idea of Chi, the life force that surrounds and runs through all living things.

“When you bump into someone on the street, you pick up their energy,” he said. “It can be drained, and it can be replenished.”

One example of the way in which Fuetsch’s approach to self-empowerment can be implemented is through emotional healing after a personal loss. That loss, be it a break-up or a death, causes “negative energy to weigh heavily on your heart,” Fuetsch said.

“You are hurting, afraid to let go of memories,” he said.

By replacing thoughts of that person with thoughts of enjoyable moments of solitude, a person can “neutralize the bad energy and own [themselves] again.”

His goal with the show is to give students and other listeners the tools they need to “create their destiny” and to “love” and “own” themselves. Once a person can do these things, they could get the careers they want, improve their relationships and control their own moods, according to Fuetsch.

Only PSU students are permitted to be DJs on KPSU, so Fuetsch has enrolled in PSU’s Postsecondary Adult and Continuing Education program, where he will be working toward a master’s degree in educational leadership and policy.

 Fuetsch has not yet signed a contract with Friend, which will be the final step in his training process.

While Fuetsch is welcome to broadcast the content of his choosing, Friend said the station, “just want[s] to make sure he’s not overly-endorsing his products.”

iTunes will soon be carrying Fuetsch’s books, including “Empowering Your Mind” and “Business Tips and Concepts.” ?

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