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Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

I faced a rude awakening this year as I headed back to school. Fewer course options, higher costs and a lot of pressure to find a spot in required classes. The state of Oregon reduced support for universities by 8 percent, and the schools are unable to maintain their previous education standards – even with a 19 percent increase in tuition. The recovery of Oregon’s economy requires a stable education and good schools, yet the balancing of the budget was partially placed on the backs of students. This outrage is particularly offensive when it is taken into account that until the passing of our current budget, there was a tax loophole in Oregon which allowed large companies to pay as little as $10 a year in taxes!

Now there is a petition movement under way that would strip $800 million from Oregon’s balanced budget plan and reinstate this corporate subsidy! The result would be additional cuts to higher education that will be passed along to the students of Oregon’s universities. I do not want to see my education suffer while multimillion-dollar companies are given a break. Before deciding to sign, please consider the consequences.

Dale Kereczman

Master degree of social work

Portland State University

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