
While the Democrats and the Republicans posture over supporting the war, changing the mission, reducing troop numbers, setting timetables and generally puffing smoke at us, the people, The Oregonian reports the Pentagon “may” recommend a troop increase.

More Troops in Iraq

While the Democrats and the Republicans posture over supporting the war, changing the mission, reducing troop numbers, setting timetables and generally puffing smoke at us, the people, The Oregonian reports the Pentagon “may” recommend a troop increase. At that point both incumbent Democrats and incumbent Republicans will genuflect. The political class has been bought. Their loyal ties are the militarists. Their words to us, the people, are insincere. There’s no point in expecting government to do anything for us. Let’s acknowledge the failure and reorganize our communities. It’s time to take control from the bottom up. Real democracy is Do-It-Ourselves. I’ve become Another Ron Paul Democrat, or perhaps more accurately, Another American for Ron Paul. He tells the truth. Ron Paul will march our soldiers out. No ifs, ands, buts or excuses. Service to Country does not mean service in an undeclared, unconstitutional war.

Karl R. Huber

Back to the gilded days

This [“When shopping isn’t fun anymore,” July 18] is an unusually excellent and informative opinion piece. Thanks for the great research. Even so, I have to admit I was sort of disappointed. When I read your opening line (“The days of bargain shopping for designer or high quality items may soon be over”), I had hoped you had some sort of inside scoop that the days of products made for slave-wages in third-world countries, sold by soulless big box stores who pay their employees minimum wage and offer no benefits, might be coming to an end.

It would be excellent, I mean, if we could go back to buying manufactured goods in this country without the knowledge that an untold number of poor people had been exploited in the process, and we were in any case digging the grave of our national autonomy in a mound of foreign debt and dependence. As it is, it seems increasingly clear that we are marching backwards–straight back into a second Gilded Age–with an increasingly poor and powerless working-class, the everyday acceptance of corruption in our political life, the emergence of a new generation of Robber Barons (some of whom are approaching, for only the second time in our nation’s history, the awesomely exploitive wealth of the Rockefellers, Carnegie, and Morgan), and (as you note) the reformation of monopolies.

Keith Creech

Citizens do have power

Sarah, although I also disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision, I disagree with your call to arms at the end [“When shopping isn’t fun anymore,” July 18]. Citizens can petition their U.S. Representative and Senator to bring back the Dr. Miles per se rule. Unlike many Constitutional Supreme Court decisions, such as abortion, where only a Constitutional amendment can overturn an unpopular decision, this case is based on statute and can therefore be changed by statute.

If citizens were aware of simple civics, their interest probably would not be screwed over all the time. Large corporations are well aware of how our government works and keenly use that knowledge to their advantage.

FD Watkins

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