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OSPIRG deserves funding

As an OSPIRG intern I am shocked at the idea of OSPIRG being zero-funded. Having become an intern for OSPIRG, I have learned so much valuable information, from problems that must be fixed within the state to non-profit organizing. As an environmentalist I have learned crucial information from OSPIRG from the Arctic Wilderness campaign as well as many others. OSPIRG is a group that works on crucial campaigns that better the lives of students on campus such as cheaper text books, the environment, and Hunger and Homelessness. This is a wonderful program that is run by some awesome staff members and to lose any of them due to funding issues would keep me from working on campaigns that I and many other students truly care about. OSPIRG can not afford to lose any of the work they do, because of being de-funded. I encourage all of PSU to help back up OSPIRG, this organization needs and deserves it’s funding in order to serve you.

Noelle Eaton

SFC process failing

I am writing to express my concern regarding the situation of student groups at PSU. I am tired of seeing organizations have to fight so hard to survive. An equitable process and equitable funding should be basic rights for our student groups. When groups are zero-funded, sound policy and meaningful appeals processes are jeopardized. We should all be upset at the situation that our groups have been put into. It doesn’t empower students — which is ultimately the point of student groups.

Molly Woon
President, PSU College Democrats

Students benefit from OSPIRG
Just one week ago OSPIRG, one of our most important student groups has been refused the budget that it has been using for the past ten years. Why should that bother you?

You might not mind spending $200 or more on books each term, but I do. You might not mind that the homeless are filling the streets that we walk on, but I do. You might not care about deforestation or endangered species, but I do. You live in this world, and although you may not be confronted with these problems, they do exist.

OSPIRG has been pushing for change on our campus and in our community for over thirty years, but without funding OSPIRG will not be able to do these things. You may not care, but as a member of OSPIRG I do.

Funding OSPIRG allows us, to make these differences for our students on campus, in our community, and in this world.

Sara Barbour

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