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Praise for Jarrett Jack

I have watched JJ play ever since he stepped foot on the GT campus. He was GT’s second best point guard of all time, behind Mark Price. Tough to put him ahead of Kenny Anderson, but his leadership skills and love for the game is something that I have not seen in a long time. Portland is a very young team and will be much better next year. I know that JJ will be a major contributor; and no matter if he starts or comes off the bench, you will always get 100 percent from that young man. Trailblazer fans, you have been waiting for years for the "quality citizen" type of player to come back to your franchise … well there is not a better person in the league than Jarrett Jack. Let the organization know that you are happy to have a great player and an even better person represent your team and city. JJ, good luck and keep making the Yellow Jacket-faithful proud.

James Cox, basketball coach
Rome, Georgia


Jarrett is a great player, and was a great player at Georgia Tech. His work ethic alone will prove to NBA fans, that he’ll be in the NBA for a long time. It’s only a matter of time when Jarrett learns the NBA game and will be a star. Good luck Jarrett, GT misses you, but is proud.

Tim Poulos, Golf pro
Houston, Texas


Gilmore Girls

Maybe you should watch Gilmore Girls before bashing it or it’s characters.



Morrissey Who?

Although I haven’t heard Morrissey, his music sounds intriguing with his CDs covering all the aspects of life. Is he a product of Oregon? Does he play instruments as well as doing vocals?

M. Burns
Palo Alto, California


Portland State Community College

It may seem like a good idea that five colleges and universities, Chemeketa Community College, Clackamas Community College, Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC), Portland Community College and Portland State University, signed an agreement to integrate the delivery of higher education [“New program to allow access to five schools,” April 6], because it would “increase access, create clear pathways to degrees and certificates, and facilitate in every way possible our students attaining their educational goals – ” Not only that, this integration would create an “opportunity for students to complete a four year degree from PSU while remaining on the community college campus.” All these reasons may seem great, except for the fact that it will degrade the university system and the prestige of the university diploma.

There is a great difference between the quality of education at a university versus a community college. Not only because the standards for getting into PSU are higher than that of community colleges, our classes and programs are more advanced, and we pay almost twice more for tuition. Personally, I am a junior at PSU and have taken some classes at Mt. Hood. Taking Microbiology and SP100 at MHCC, I experienced a big difference in the difficulty level of the classes, and their depth. Education there was more like that of high school. Not only were the classes an easy “A,” but I studied almost three times less for them.

Doesn’t the fact that a student can graduate from PSU while taking all of their classes at community colleges degrade the quality and prestige of the University diploma? Why do we have to be more qualified to get into the school, spend more time studying for our classes, pay more tuition and graduate with the same diploma as all the community colleges? Shouldn’t PSU be called Portland State Community College then?

Alexandra Koroteyev
Portland, Oregon

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