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Call the po-lice

This is crazy. [In response to “Bomb threat: late notice causes student concern,” Oct. 26.] If a building has a credible bomb threat found in it, you evacuate the building. This is a basic security principle. Second of all, you don’t let the under-trained and under-equipped Campus Public Safety Office handle it. You call actual sworn law enforcement. There is no reason why CPSO should have taken the lead in this matter.


Like prank calls

Most bomb threats are cranks. A real threat usually doesn’t give more than a brief time to evacuate and to prevent loss of life. A psycho or person bent on deaths and injuries will not make threats: Kansas City bombing. A lot of bombers either taught or went to PSU back in the anti-Vietnam days, when the SDS/Weather Underground was active.


Late bomb-threat notification

I did not check my e-mail until this morning [Oct. 28]. I wonder what my response would have been if I had gotten a text message on my cell phone at 9:30 or so-if I would have gone to my final at 10 a.m. on the 25th. Although, I imagine this is a lame attempt by the unprepared to escape the dread they felt over an exam. The image of the chaos of all the construction around campus made me very doubtful that an extensive assessment of risk could have been done.


“The SFC F’d up

It’s called a “cost of living increase.” Do you know anything about the working world? I can’t believe even the SFC [Student Fee Committee] doesn’t take their fellow students seriously enough to show respect to loyal workers. Someone new to a job will typically always be paid less than someone who is a veteran–because a senior worker is more efficient, knowledgeable, competent, familiar and confident in their job, warranting a higher pay. A lot of students need student jobs because they are generally very flexible, and since PSU is a commuter school, that flexibility gives a lot of students financial opportunities they might not otherwise have. That decision is some kind of sketch–you should be ashamed. Yay for fiscal conservatives! Amanda Newberg, representing the greater good. I wonder where that money will go instead…more pizza parties and ice cream socials for student government?


Novick support

As a proud Novick supporter, I’m absolutely enthused to read this interview [“Steve Novick: The Interview” Oct. 25]. He seems like a good man, tackling tough questions and giving thoughtful answers. He’s going to be a great senator.


Yes on 50

I certainly will be voting yes on Measure 50. The tobacco companies aren’t going to fool me with their big bags of out-of-state cash. Poor kids need help paying for health care. The extra tax will help some smokers quit as a secondary benefit. The only losers will be big tobacco, and I don’t feel bad for them. They’ve never been on the right side of any issue.


Read your voter’s pamphlet

Why do people always try to interpret something to be “for the better,” and instead give the wording and the case? Don’t vote for something unless you have read what it is. Don’t listen to hype or BS that doesn’t explain exactly what something will cause. Measure 37 had loopholes, no one noticed because no one cared. Read the whole measure, and don’t listen to “vote yes on xx because I can tell you it’s good.”


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