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Protest coverage appreciated

I am so glad somebody picked up this event [“An anniversary of protest, Nov. 3]. The Oregonian, just blocks from Pioneer Courthouse Square where the rally took place, didn’t mention a single word about it even though there were hundreds of people present – nearly a thousand I’d venture to guess. There were the omnipresent and loud (though thankfully minimally disruptive) anarchists, but the vast majority was mainstream Americans who are sick to death of this ridiculous and dangerous administration. There will be more events. Next up on the day Bush gives his State-of-the-Union Address, and hopefully the media will more responsibly cover these events so those who think only violence can change things will be proven wrong.

Linda Swanson, Portland


The Stones still rock

I certainly agree that it is too bad that greed (not just the Stones’) prohibits many people from having the opportunity to see the band [“Do the Rolling Stones still rock ‘n’ roll?” Nov. 1]. I think, however, that the issue of supply and demand should not be confused with the ability to put on a great show. I believe that most objective critics would say that this is one of the better rock concerts in some time.  Also, the new album is one of their better efforts since Exile.

D. Bell, Virginia


Fans want to see the Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones are, and always will be, legends. What I think you need to realize is that the Stones go on tour again and again because people actually want them too. They don’t have the ridiculous idea that they will fill out a football stadium, because they will! The younger generation who are fans of the Stones and didn’t get the chance to see them when the were at their youngest, not their peak, would do anything to be able to see their idols in concert, even if it means coughing up $350. Mick Jagger and the boys are one of the most famous rock ‘n’ roll bands of all time, with many followers. I appreciate your opinion, but I don’t think they should be rubbished in this way!

Sarah Rooney


War on drugs is a war against people

Marijuana has never been documented to kill a single soul from its use [Medical marijuana up in smoke, Nov. 1]. Prohibition has however caused numerous deaths in Canada and the U.S. This war on our people must end now! It’s one thing for U.S. politicians to impose these lies on their own people, but when they try to impose this madness on Canadians it is time for us Canadians to show the U.S. bully politicians that we are not as passive as they would like to think. My message to the U.S. is, "Keep trying to impose your will on Canadian citizens and you will see our true colors, for Canadians won’t tolerate that." We are not afraid of you even if our politicians are.

Chummy Anthony, Windsor, Novia Scotia


[Ed. Note: the column referenced is an opinion column, which does not reflect the views of the Vanguard editorial staff.]


Propaganda in fashion

The fashion sense of dictators has maybe never been so edgy, but they definitely have all been exceptionally well dressed and most likely have had a whole team ensuring that they stayed that way. Hitler’s mustache was super-fashionable in his day. Thinking about it, though, Bush has one of the most boring attires. A real uniform would be a lot more interesting and probably send a much clearer message of what he is trying to get at.

The topic of this article has some good potential. Fashion is closely linked to propaganda and PR in any administration. I’d like to see some historical info on the topic, not just a point-few transcript that makes a couple protesters look stupid.

Michael [via feedback forum]

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