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Look closer at what activists

The Artful Dodger’s opinion article about activism was interesting, yet it saddened me that the activists that are standing up against society’s norm and calling out injustices (whether environmental or social) occurring everyday are scrutinized because people don’t really listen to what they are saying. Activists have positive and progressive things to say about the world. If people would just take the time to listen to what they have to say about what they are dedicating their time to, then perhaps people like the Artful Dodger would realize that activists are in fact united. The ultimate goal of many activist groups is, in fact, concern for liberation, freedom and equal rights. I was also disappointed to hear that Art did not feel that OSPIRG was doing enough on campus. Well, I’m sorry that he has missed out on what we’ve been doing. We have been tabling and holding various events. Anyone can join OSPIRG, and I would suggest that people with good ideas do because when we work together and utilize the power that students have, we can actually make a change on campus and in the community. I am also extremely curious as to the ways in which Art is doing more constructive things. How else should we make change in society if we don’t get our issues out there in the public eye? Surely writing negative things about the activists for progressive social policies isn’t too constructive or helping the situation any more than sitting on your ass. I say, get involved and help these groups get their messages out there. After all, we are the people, and we have the power.

Reina Abolofia, PSU student

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