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Millar Library open 24 hours during dead week, finals

During finals week and dead week, June 4–13, the Millar Library will be open 24 hours. During the extended hours, the circulation desk, reference desk and help desk will all be open and available to student use.

Extending the library’s hours is part of a pilot program funded by the Associated Students of Portland State University. “A lot of students kept telling us they wanted a 24-hour library,” said Anthony Stine, communications director for ASPSU. Library staff will conduct a survey every 20 minutes to keep count of how many students are using the library. “We are funding the program to show the demand,” Stine said.

After the results of the surveys have been tabulated, ASPSU plans on using the data to lobby for a more permanent extended schedule. “ASPSU will take the data from the library to the administration and push the administration to extend those hours,” Stine said.

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