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Wildlife slides tonight

OSPRIG will sponsor an Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Slide show today. The show will feature original photographs by Lenny Kohm. The show will be in Smith Memorial Center, room 292, at 4 p.m.

Bicyclists: Know your rights

There will be a free class on vehicle laws for bicyclists this Thursday. It is presented by lawyer Ray Thomas and the Bicycle Transportation Alliance. The class will inform cyclists of Oregon’s vehicle laws from a bicyclist’s perspective. Attendants will learn how to site motorists for vehicle harassment, make proper insurance claims, and learn fundamentals of traffic and small claims court. The class will be held in Smith 338.

PSU’s radio ads complete first year

Portland State’s radio ad campaign has completed its first year on the air waves. Portland State’s radio ads, developed and produced by John Heinsma and Karen Coster Peterson, have won a total of six industry awards. The most recent award is the Portland Area Radio Council’s “Radio Days.” “PSU’s ‘Doctor’ ad won in the ‘What the Heck We Just Liked It’ category for it’s branding of an established institution,” stated Monica Cory, executive director of PARC, in a press release.

Youth speak out against police abuse

The Police Accountability Campaign 2002 is holding a “youth speak out” this Thursday. Portland area youth will share personal experiences of police abuse at the event. The campaign has made special efforts to reach out to the homeless, gay and lesbian, youths of color and those who want to become politically active. The event will be held at St. Andrews Catholic Church Community Center at 7 p.m.

Campus closer to reality

Central Oregon Community College, Oregon State University and the Oregon University System have been working together to form Oregon’s first branch university. The new branch is now named Oregon State University-Cascade Campus.

OSU was awarded management responsibility for the branch campus in February. Since then OSU officials, the OUS and COCC have been working on an implementation plan developed by OSU.

OSU will also introduce a series of collaborative programs that will serve as the base for its lifelong learning model that will be advanced on the new campus.

Mike Norris

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