On-campus events calendar: May 16–22

Featured Event

May 16–17, 7 p.m.
Lincoln Performance Hall
Free, all ages

Veterans at PSU share their stories in a theatrical production. Registration is required.

Tuesday, May 16

Joseph Mammarella, The Guitar Heroes
5 p.m.
Lincoln Performance Hall #47
Free, all ages

The PSU student performs guitar alongside a live college rock band for his junior recital.

Dealing with a Nuclear North Korea
6 p.m.
PSU Native American Student & Community Center
Free, all ages

Ambassador Joseph Y. Yun discusses North Korea’s nuclear capabilities and possible ways of engaging with the secretive and isolated regime.

Power of the Plant book signing
6:30 p.m.
Portland State Bookstore, second floor loft
Free, all ages

Authors Stephen Ritz and Suzie Boss will be on hand to sign their latest book about food justice and the green classroom.

Wednesday, May 17

Making a Creative Life (and a Living) in Portland
Neuberger Hall #407
Free, all ages

Sara Guest and Jason Maurer share secrets to making it as a professional artist in a city of creatives.

The Road from Libya
SMSU 327
Free, all ages

University Studies Freshman Inquiry mentor Mohanad Elshieky discusses his experiences in Libya and his journey to the United States. Followed by Q&A.

Gays in the Garden
3 p.m.
Free, all ages

Meet at the QRC to go gardening with LGBTQ & ally students for PSU’s LGBTQ Pride.

Eternal Becoming | Megan Hanley
5 p.m.
Autzen Gallery
Free, all ages

The MFA candidate’s thesis exhibition is based on her experience as a recipient of the Mary Ausplund Tooze Scholar Travel Award to participate in a three-week dig of tombs with the Sanisera Archaeology Institute in Menorca, Spain.

Engaging Asia: Portland-Japan business connections
6:30 p.m.
SMSU 296
Free, all ages

Mitsuhiro Yamazaki, international business development officer for the Portland Development Commission, discusses Portland’s popularity with Japanese tourists and Green City enthusiasts.

Thursday, May 18

Cookies, Coffee and Conversation
3 p.m.
Ondine Hall 238
Free, all ages

ACS and Residential Life bring advisers together in a casual setting at University Success.

Kale Yeah!
7 p.m.
Parkway North
Free, all ages

Explore laughter yoga and ride a moberi smoothie bike. Smoothies!

Noon Concert: Voice Area Recital
Lincoln Recital Hall (LH75)
Free, all ages

Portland State vocal majors show off their mad singing skills.

Half-Day (Hella Decolonized) Asian & Pacific Islander Conference
3–9 p.m.
Pacific Islander, Asian & Asian American Student Center, SMSU 235
Free, all ages

Featuring keynote speaker Dr. Tavita Palaita. Registration required HERE. Dinner provided.

Sons of the Prophet
7:30 p.m.
Lincoln Performance Hall
$15 general; $8 seniors, faculty, and students; $6 students (in advance)

$6 for everyone for preview night of the PSU Theater Department’s production of Pulitzer Prize finalist Stephen Karam’s dark comedic tale of gay Lebanese-American brothers. Directed by Karin Magaldi. Runs through June 3.

Friday, May 19

Capture the Flag
1 p.m.
Free, all ages

Meet at the QRC, then head out to play Capture the Flag for PSU’s LGBTQ Pride.

Development of Cultural Industries in China and Its Impacts on Urban Renovation
URBN 220
Free, all ages

Fulbright Scholar Jian Liu shares her research on urban and rural planning.

Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space
5 p.m.
Hoffmann Hall
Free, all ages

Columbia University professor Dr. Janna Levin discusses her new book about gravitational waves, “the soundtrack to astronomy’s silent movie.”

W.E.B. Du Bois at the Center: From Science, the Civil Rights Movement, to Black Lives Matter
5:30 p.m.
PSU Native American Student and Community Center
Free, all ages

Dr. Aldon Morris discusses his most recent book, The Scholar Denied: W.E.B. Du Bois and the Birth of Modern Sociology.

Saturday, May 20

Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory auction, fundraiser, & potluck
2–6 p.m.
Department of Geology, Cramer Hall #17

Portland State Department of Geology is auctioning meteorites to support the CML. Bring a dish or drinks to share. RSVP cmlpsu@pdx.edu.

Three Artists’ Journey to Music
3:30 p.m.
SMSU Ballroom
Free, all ages

Featuring performances on the pipa, yangqin, and erhu. Presented by The Confucius Institute at PSU.

Sunday, May 21

Blue (1993)
3 p.m. (also screening May 19–20)
5th Avenue Cinema
$4–5 (free w/PSU ID), all ages

Derek Jarman’s final art film reflects his lived experience with a fatal HIV diagnosis, wherein his medication affected his vision, causing him to see in shades of blue.

Monday, May 22

AAUW Start Smart Salary Negotiation Workshop
Parson’s Gallery, URBN 212G
Free, all ages

Hey, women! Worried about graduating and entering the workplace? Haunted by that pay gap that never seems to go away, no matter how much we research it? The American Association of University Women teaches workshop attendees the skills to negotiate starting salaries, narrow the gap early, improve lifelong earning potential, articulate value, and sharpen budgeting skills.