Going out for the night? Be prepared Always be prepared for wherever the night takes you Most nights, I find it’s easiest to stay at home watching Netflix. When I…
Bacon in the dark of night: stories from the Hotcake House
It’s early Wednesday morning. Like really, really, early—1:30 a.m. early and I’m walking toward the iconic sign on the right side of Powell Boulevard going east. If you’ve been in…
This week around the world: April 29–May 5
April 29 Manila, Philippines An Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit in Manila ended amid controversy over the lack of a joint statement by leaders, mainly due to concerns about…
Spotlight on South Asia flips the script of social justice
On April 28, Kanak Dixit, a prominent journalist, political activist, writer, and publisher from Nepal, began his talk entitled, “Democracy, Civil Society, & Human Rights in South Asia,” by encouraging the…
ASPSU election results offer few surprises
Associated Students of Portland State announced the results of the 2017–18 student government leadership elections at 1 p.m., Friday, May 5 at the Simon Benson House. 1369 students voted in…
Screaming at books: Alison MacLeod’s ‘All the Beloved Ghosts’
Alison MacLeod’s All the Beloved Ghosts is a collection of short stories that blur the lines we traditionally expect from fiction, biography, and memoir. It is a journey spanning continents,…
PMS: Perpetuating Menstrual Stigmas
I remember first reaching the mark of “womanhood” two days before my teenage years began. Maturation movies in elementary school had provided us useless insight to what having a period would…
Vérité, Betty Who and the State of Pop Music 2017
Concert Etiquette Before we talk about Vérité or Betty Who, let’s take a refresher on concert etiquette. Dear Washington Squares and Lloyd Center frumpkins: When you get one of the…
A change is gonna come
A crowd of Portland State students, faculty, and 11 PSU and community organizations rallied in the Park Blocks at noon on Monday, May 1 before joining over 1,000 May Day…
2017 ASPSU elections results are in
Just after 1 p.m. today, Associated Students of Portland State announced election results for leaders to serve in student government for the 2017–18 academic year. Students and staff gathered at…
I’m board! Suggestions for a night in playing board games
Going out can be a hassle. From dealing with cover charges, overpriced drinks, blaring music that you have to yell over just to have a conversation, and people in general,…