Since the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida claimed 17 lives last month, officials at Portland State are rehashing the school’s commitment to safety. Following October’s…
Power, Police and Privilege: DeRay Mckesson’s message for Portland
Civil rights activist and public speaker DeRay Mckesson spoke Thursday, March 15, to an audience of 500 attendees about systemic racism, power in society and power within protest. Mckesson’s speech…
Walkout in response to Parkland shooting
At 10 a.m. Wednesday, March 13, one month after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, Portland State students walked out of class and gathered in the…
The breathtaking performances of ‘Arabian Nights’
Arabian Nights, a historic Metropolitan Youth Symphony concert featured two world premiers—violinist Katie Palka, as well as Rimsky-Korsakov’s ever-popular Scheherazade—on March 4 at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. As maestro…
Feminist Frida Fest
On March 8, International Women’s Day, more than 180 members of the Portland State community squeezed into La Casa Latina Student Center to celebrate Mexican painter Frida Kahlo (1907–1954), who…
#NeverAgain: PSU students honor school shooting victims in walkout
Portland State students walked out of class Wednesday, March 14 to take part in a nationwide student-led protest for gun reform and to honor those killed in the Marjory Stoneman…
ariella tai’s ”hoe dor” curates Black aesthetic glitches
The opening reception of ariella tai’s “hoe dor,” an exhibition of glitch art inspired by Game of Thrones character Hodor (Kristian Nairn), took place on Friday, March 9 at Open…
Putin elected president of Russia for fourth term
On Sunday March 18, Vladimir Putin was elected President of Russia for his second consecutive term and fourth overall since 1999. Putin ran as an Independent party candidate and received…
Finding a way to shut off my hyperactive thinking has always been difficult, and I often feel frustrated and disappointed. However, I recently stumbled upon Thrive X, a weekly meditation…
Teaching Through the Lens of Filmmaking
Scott Ballard is an independent filmmaker, cinematographer and overall storyteller who’s traveling for work around the Pacific Northwest, the U.S., and in several weeks, Japan. Here at Portland State, Ballard…
DJ Salinger: Jazz study fusion
Relax, it’s just dead week. With finals coming up there’s nothing we need more than to relax, focus on finishing the term strong and mentally prepare ourselves for next week’s…