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Parking rate increase proposed percolates

The reality of parking downtown may become rougher due to a plan spearheaded by PSU that would increase funding for EcoDistricts throughout the city.

Advocates of the EcoDistrict model aim to implement sustainability practices on a neighborhood scale, said Amy Ruiz, the communications director for Mayor Sam Adams.

“The idea is to address how we can turn waste into energy on a community-wide basis,” Ruiz said.

Currently, there are five test EcoDistricts in Portland: Gateway, Lents, Lloyd District, the South Waterfront and the University District.

PSU officials are discussing the idea of raising downtown parking rates with the Portland Bureau of Transportation to help fund the University EcoDistrict.

“PSU asked the city to consider an idea to help advance their Eco-District work. That’s it at this point,” said Tom Miller, director of the bureau.

According to Miller, a brief in the Oregon Business Journal last week was wrong to identify him as the generator of the idea.

Ruiz said that she’s not sure the mayor has even heard about the proposal yet.

“It was one of many ideas to fund the EcoDistricts,” confirmed Scott Gallagher, PSU director of communications. ?

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