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Portland Highland Games

Weight for Distance Spectators could listen to music while watching athletes spin and throw weights at a distance. According to the event program, the Weight for Distance event “vaguely resembles the Olympic discus throw,” but has a Scottish flair. Instead of the usual disc seen at the Olympics, athletes throw a 28–56-pound ball on chain while maintaining balance. Photo by Devin Courtright

The 62nd annual Portland Highland Games were held July 18–19 at Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham, Oregon. Hosted by the Portland Highland Games Association, the festival demonstrated an assortment of Scottish athletics, music, dance, food and merchandise. Family clans also stationed themselves in tents throughout the college’s Upper Field, providing information for anyone interested in getting to know their Scottish ancestry.

Behind the tents, the heavy athletic competitions area featured an array of games played by kilt-clad athletes who “intended to demonstrate a warrior’s strength, stamina, accuracy, and agility,” according to the event’s program. The field also featured an entertainment stage, where visitors could sit and drink Scottish ale in the hot sun, while listening to traditional Celtic folk and punk rock music. A nearby food and refreshment tent offered traditional Scottish bangers, meat pies, fish and chips, and Scottish scones with tea. Events also took place at the college’s track field and gymnasium. The weekend celebration ran from 12–10 p.m. Friday night and then got back up and running all day Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.

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