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Portland’s 44th annual pride parade: A retrospective

Chase Bank's contribution to the festivities was a colorful balloon sculpture that spelled out the word "pride." Photo by Miles Sanguinetti

Earlier this month on June 15, the 44th annual Portland Pride Parade marched through the Rose City in a flurry of floats, cars and costumes. The parade is the keystone of a series of summer events put on by Pride Northwest, a local nonprofit organization founded on the premise of celebrating Oregon’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender citizenry. While the end of Oregon’s gay marriage ban in mid-May certainly contributed to the celebration’s cheer, marchers continued to rally against homophobia, transphobia and other forms of intolerance in an effort to give a voice to members the city’s LGBT communities that still face marginalization on a regular basis.

PNW’s summer events will conclude with the upcoming Pride Glow Run scheduled to take place along the Portland waterfront on August 2.

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