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Protesters walk out to support #DisarmPSU

Portland State University Student Union lead a campus walk-out today at 12 p.m. Activists, both students and nonstudents gathered to support the #DisarmPSU campaign.

According to the PSUSU Facebook page, the #DisarmPSU campaign was created in “response to a three-year battle between the PSU administration and the student activists.”

"Disarm PSU" Protest

Individuals initially met at the library, where members of PSUSU, as well as Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights and other organizations spoke to a crowd of around 40 people.

Activists then marched to the Campus Public Safety Office, crowding the streets as more people participated.

Protesters moved on to the Urban Plaza, where more student voices were heard.

The next location was the Market Center Building, where students not only spoke out but demonstrated a “die-in” and moment of silence for five minutes.

Participants then marched back to the Park Blocks. Individuals spoke again to a smaller crowd. The march ended around 3 p.m.

Check back here or pick May 17 print issue for extended coverage.

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