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Pseudosix wants you to cry

If any one band can breath life back into this dusty, old indie rocking horse, it’s Pseudosix. Their melodies, transitions and builds are anchored by a Beach-Boyish weightlessness and a darkness close to The Doors – without Jim Morrison molesting a lamb on the Whiskey � Go-Go stage. Their songs drip with creativity and taste sweet and heady like coffee and doughnuts. Tim Perry’s vocals can sometimes take on a fluttering Middle-Eastern yodeling style, while Emil Amos’ vocals and lead guitar slide in smooth and abstract. Together the vocals spin off towards that Pavement sound we all love. While Tim and Emil play their wild games, Jake Morris (the drummer with four arms) and Brandon Barnhill (the bassist who walks on air) keep the songs rolling, like a country road.

After interviewing Tim (the captain of the ship), I thought to myself “what the fuck was that?” Enjoy!

How long have you known each other?

My parents adopted Emil (guitar) when he was four, after his grandma was quarantined. They gave him a space heater and a mason jar and let him live in the shed outside the house. If it wasn’t raining too hard, I would sometimes go out and play with him. Later we formed the band together. I’m not sure when Brandon (bass) and Jake (drums) started tagging along, but it’s too late to kick them out now.

What are your favorite Northwest bands?

We all seem to agree on Heart.

Who writes the songs?

That creepy kid that’s in that movie “The Sixth Sense.”

Your new songs are truly over the edge, the builds are a lot bigger, in fact the overall soundscape seems bigger than the extremely personal and small sad songs on Days of Delay. Am I trippin’ or are your newer songs bigger?

I think that our new songs are bigger – and I think you’re trippin.’ The first album, Days of Delay, was written by a timid recluse who wanted to vent behind his closed bedroom door without anyone hearing. It was a lot more personal to him. The new songs by comparison, are more analogous to someone on a crowded city bus trying to incite some sort of riot. Do you know what I mean?

Got any future projects?

We really have to mow our lawn. We’re not kidding. The neighbors are starting to get noticeably upset. Also, we would like to have our very own vegetable garden. Jake is particularly fond of fresh, homegrown tomatoes.

Favorite places to play?

Small places. Small, dark, musty places with hardly any elbow room. We guess the word for this is “intimate.”

What kind of reaction from the crowd would be ideal?


In a world of awesome, what is most awesome?

That’s an interesting question. I believe we should consider the matter seriously. Webster’s defines the word “awesome” as “that which inspires awe, admiration, and wonder.” Therefore, it is not unreasonable to think that a world in which everything is awesome might just create feelings of inadequacy in its inhabitants. After all, who really wants to experience constant awe and admiration of everything around them? It sounds a bit overwhelming, don’t you think?

“But wait!” you say. “In a world of awesome, the inhabitants are also awesome!” A good point indeed. Hmm. Well, if that’s the case, then I suppose I too would be awesome just like everything and everyone else. Seems safe enough. But a bit boring isn’t it? In lieu of all this, we would have to say that the answer to your question is: mediocrity!

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