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PSU in brief

PSU in brief

PSU welcomes new dean

Director of the School of Community Health, Dr. Lawrence Wallack, has been named the new dean of the College of Urban and Public Affairs. Wallack is officially slated to replace Nohad Toulan as dean of the college on July 1.

Prior to coming to PSU in 1999, Wallack held a faculty position at UC Berkeley for 17 years. While at Berkeley, Wallack founded and became the director of Berkeley Media Studies Group.

Since arriving at PSU, Wallack has garnered much recognition. He was a recipient of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Innovators Combating Substance Abuse award for his contributions to the study of substance abuse. Wallack was also a member of several state task forces and committees aimed at the prevention of alcohol and tobacco abuse among youth.

PSU kicks-off food drive

President Dan Bernstine sent out a mass e-mail last Friday to announce PSU’s participation in the Governor’s 2004 State Employees Food Drive. As of yesterday, the university began accepting food and money donations for the non-profit Oregon Food Bank.

Donation barrels are located at the following locations around campus: the lobby of Neuberger Hall, the first floor of Smith Memorial Student Union, the second floor of School of Business Building, the third floor of the University Service Building, the second floor of the Urban Center Building, the first floor of Science Building 2 and the lower level of the Fourth Avenue Building.

Donations should be non-perishable items, such as canned goods, and boxed meals. Monetary donations should be in check form, and are payable to the Oregon Food Bank. Checks can be sent to Amy Ross at the PSU mail code PO. Receipts for such donations are available on request. Other payment options are available. For more information, call Amy Ross at 503-725-4959, or e-mail at

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