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Senate confirms new VP

The student senate confirmed Sa’eed Haji, a graduate student with a history of involvement in social issues, as the new ASPSU vice president, on July 22.

Student Body President Erin Devaney nominated Haji after Molly Woon unexpectedly resigned from the position in June due to a conflict with her graduate assistantship.

“I picked Sa’eed for his experience and his dedication to student involvement on campus. He represents students on campus who are not represented or underrepresented in student government,” Devaney said.

“ASPSU has been lacking representation, I want to change that. This year we will work together with student organizations that haven’t been involved in the past,” said Haji, who worked at the Multicultural Center for four years.

Haji was easily confirmed with 15 senators voting in favor and no votes in opposition, although three senators abstained.

Haji predicts a good year for student government and the students they represent. “I like the agenda Erin had, I want to accomplish everything in the progressive slate agenda. I especially want to bring back student power,” he said.

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